Top 10 Reasons Real Estate Agents Fail
Feb 27, 2021Only 2 in 10 Real Estate Agents are still in business after 2 years. Why is the failure rate so high? Here I will identify the top 10 most common reasons Real Estate agents fail.
#10: Failure to Offer Real Value
Most consumers don't know the true value of a good real estate agent. The job of the realtor is to find a way to articulate the value they bring to the transaction to their client. This can be done a number of ways...
#9: Failure to Connect With Their Target Audience
I've received thousands of surveys over the years from my students on from those surveys, only about 30% of agents have a business plan that truly details who they will focus on. Making sure you know who your target audience is key to being efficient in your marketing.
#8: Failure to Create an Effective Sales Funnel
A sales funnel can go a long way in capturing leads for your business. Start with a wide net to improve awareness, then create a funnel where people will be directed to your website to learn more about you.
#7: Lack of Authenticity & Transparency
In order to articulate your value to the client, you have to be transparent in everything you do including the costs of certain items and how the contracts and transactions work.
#6: Unable to Compete Against Market Leaders
Just 10% of agents are doing 90% of the work in real estate, this makes it very difficult to compete against the top agents with large marketing budgets. Agents in the 90% need to find a way to stand out and differentiate themselves from the top producers.
#5: Lack of Strategic & Effective Planning
This ties back into not having a business plan
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