Need some terrific, quick, and accurate personalized insights for you and your golf game? If the mental side is 50 to 80% of your game,
are you spending that much time on the mental side? If you are like others - the answer is no! |
Here we have a proven strategy for enhanced performance and developing your golfing potential. This GOLFER’S PROFILE is a great addition
for your “mental toolkit”. Just imagine more fun, more focused and more effective golf… |
THE MENTAL GOLF WORKSHOP Profile is a self-administered, practical tool that helps you understand yourself and others in the golfing
environment. All of us have developed behavioral patterns for “how” we conduct ourselves – distinct ways of thinking, feeling and acting.
The core of our patterns tends to remain stable because this core reflects our individual identities - and yet the demands of golf can
call for something different than our “core pattern”. This Profile heightens our understanding of styles in general, and that of our own
specific personal style within that framework. THE MENTAL GOLF WORKSHOP Profile will identify and customize actions specifically conducive
to your golfing success. |
This profile can enable you to:
- Identify your behavior style
- Identify your effective and ineffective tendencies
- Create a motivational environment for your success
- Give you an awareness and appreciation of different behavioral styles
The in-depth understanding and use of this Profile can significantly improve your performance and satisfaction in both golf and
your personal life. What we have found is that the most effective people are those who know themselves, know the demands of a situation,
and are able to adapt strategies to meet those demands. This is what the MENTAL GOLF WORKSHOP Profile is all about - an opportunity to become
aware of some real “How to’s” and “What to do’s” for implementing personal strategies. |
The Profile is broken out into these areas of the game:
- Pre-Round Preparation
- Mental Tendencies When Playing Shots
- Course Management
- Working With Your Instructors
- Mental Tendencies Toward Golf Fitness
I highly recommend and invite you to take this MENTAL GOLF WORKSHOP Profile. |
Rootin’ for your success,
Dr. Bill Meyer
- Log in to www.mentalgolfworkshop.com with your access code: Unlock
- Spend about ten minutes answering the multiple-choice questionnaire.
- You will then be e-mailed a personalized 20-page plus report that gives descriptions of your mental golf tendencies, along with customized strategies.
Copyright © 2004
Meyer & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. |